

Studio Candy Lenk
Börnestraße 14
13086 Berlin


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Studio Candy Lenk | Berlin 2025




Studio Candy Lenk
Börnestraße 14
13086 Berlin


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Studio Candy Lenk | Berlin 2025


Vier Fragmente &
eine Wolke
UN Climate Change | Bonn

The artwork creates a space on the 14th floor of the new UNFCCC building that is influenced by the dualism of positivist-genius thinking and the intangible metaphysical power of nature. Four fragments and a cloud are facing each other as spatial images. On the floor of the room 4 fragments are arranged, they carry in their shape and details hints of a building technology and are relatives of prefabricated concrete elements. The forms point to a concrete purpose and formally build a relationship to each other. However, the composition of the modern building blocks is functionally incoherent. The context of meaning of the fragments remains open. The luminous sculptural abstraction of a cloud hovers over the scene. It has been detached from the sky and isolated in the building. In terms of cultural history, it connects the untamed forces of nature, impermanence and changeability with the place of longing, with metaphysical ideas and the gateway to transcendence.

Kunst am Bau, KaB, Candy Lenk, UNFCCC Bonn
Kunst am Bau, KaB, Candy Lenk, UNFCCC Bonn
Kunst am Bau, KaB, Candy Lenk, UNFCCC Bonn
Kunst am Bau, KaB, Candy Lenk, UNFCCC Bonn

4 fragments are arranged on the floor of the room; their shape and details indicate a building technology and are relatives of prefabricated concrete elements. The forms point to a specific purpose and formally build a relationship to each other. However, the composition of the modern building blocks is functionally incoherent. The context of meaning of the fragments remains open. The question of whether the function has been forgotten and historically lost, or whether a lack of knowledge obscures the function, remains unanswered. The spatial installation connects with the outdoor space. The mirrors multiply the view to create a panorama, so that the artificial building fragments of the installation can always be seen against the background of the urban landscape’s real building sculptures outside. When viewed from the outside, the bright cloud 60 m above the Rhine is a visible sign from afar. 

Kunst am Bau, KaB, Candy Lenk, UNFCCC Bonn
Kunst am Bau, KaB, Candy Lenk, UNFCCC Bonn
Kunst am Bau, KaB, Candy Lenk, UNFCCC Bonn
Kunst am Bau, KaB, Candy Lenk, UNFCCC Bonn